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Tips for Driving in Rainy Conditions & Staying Safe

As any driver knows, rain can create hazardous situations requiring adjustments behind the wheel. As the experienced mechanics at Signal Hill Foreign Auto Services, we’ve seen how essential safety precautions become when moisture falls from the skies. 

Whether commuting to work or running errands, follow these rainy-day tips to handle wet pavement with confidence.

Slow Your Speed 

Heavy rain limits visibility and reduces tire traction dramatically. Shave at least 10 mph off your normal speed to allow for longer stopping distances. Go even slower if downpours are heavy.

Increase Following Distance

Leave more room between you and vehicles ahead in case they suddenly have to slow down. Ideally, space your vehicle at least four seconds behind for improved reaction time in slippery conditions. 

Use Headlights 

Daytime running lights alone do little in wet weather, so turn your headlights fully on. This increases your car’s visibility to others on the road. Fog lights help in dense mist too.

Check Your Wiper Blades

Replace blades that streak or chatter since you’ll need crisp clearing to see the road clearly. Our technicians are happy to inspect blades and advise on replacements.

Confirm Good Tread Depth  

Inspect tire tread for legal minimums to avoid hydroplaning risks on wet pavement. We recommend no less than 4/32″ of tread across treads for safe all-season traction.

Consider Your Commute Wisely

Heavy downpours may warrant delaying trips until roads have drained if your route includes areas prone to flooding. Don’t end up stuck!

Let us know if you need assistance with any rainy-day driving preparations. Staying within safety margins makes all the difference in unpredictable wet weather. Our goal is to help you handle any road conditions with peace of mind.

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